The aim of the MMT Symposium is twofold: firstly, to join researchers in the field of mechanism and machine science to exchange their results; and, secondly, to celebrate the 60 years since the foundation of the Mechanism and Machine Theory journal.

“In the autumn of 1964, Professor Francis Rendel Erskine Crossley was invited by Professor William (Bill) Johnson to teach a course on mechanisms in the School of Mechanical Engineering at the Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in England [2]. At that time, Professor Johnson was managing the International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, published by Pergamon Press, and on that occasion, Professor Johnson introduced Professor Crossley to Robert Maxwell, who was the chairperson of this publishing house; this introduction was the birth of the Journal of Mechanisms [3].”

in MMT, Vol. 142, 2019, Article Nr. 103599

This video shows the articles published by country or territory in
Mechanism and Machine Theory journal since its first issue.